Unstoppable Leaders
Exclusive Trainings, Keynotes, Speaking Engagements, Education Sessions & Workshops
Subject Matter & Transformation Industry Experts​
If you are a People Leader at your organization – this is for you. Unstoppable Performance Leaders support People Leaders like you at Fortune Ranking Companies by sourcing best-in-class solutions & expertise which would make a difference for YOU & YOUR organization.

The featured solutions, services & experts we are sourcing is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion solutions, services & experts. As part of the same we have invited expert Consultants & Consulting Companies to showcase some of their unique DEIB offerings via short workshops, trainings & events.

Contact Us to customize an event for Your Team on any of the topics here or on Your own topic

Growth. Innovation. Trust

Featured Events

Our ecosystem of credible industry & subject matter experts in DEIB offers customized unique workshops, trainings, certifications, virtual labs & special events,
and personalized programs with Unstoppable Performance Leaders to have a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive experience.

This engaging 2-4 hour experiential workshop will accelerate the launch process for organizations that are just beginning their inclusion journey, or for those that are ready to more deeply commit to the next level of progress.

This session is designed to define unconscious biases and create a bridge between the biases that are present in everyone’s mind and the subtle acts of discrimination that manifest as microaggressions. 

One way to better understand and support the LGBTQ community to learn about its culture and history.
In this session, LGBTQ+ diversity expert Stan C. Kimer will share…

 Learn how to face and confront resistance with courage and grace. Even though you may be further down the path with your DEI&B efforts than those who are just getting started

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Why Choose Unstoppable Events

We can tailor events to each corporate entity using a needs assessment and customizing the program to fit your group’s size, goals, and allotted time.

The key to a great program is a great facilitator. Our success in hiring, training and retaining the best facilitators is that we keep them busy and sharp.

Unstoppable Performance Leaders has designed and trademarked the most popular programs in our industry including events fortified with activities


Unstoppable Performance Leaders (UPL) empower business leaders who are bold changemakers, to deliver effective performance.